you are chosen


Some of us have experienced time periods where we were discarded, rejected, and tossed to the wayside as if we held no value. There's always an initial shock factor when we aren't chosen and it brings a lot of heart break as we process through those moments that made us feel not desirable. 

During those time periods we can begin to wonder when + if we will ever feel chosen. It's a natural desire to want to feel chosen, desired, and loved. I am sorry on behalf of the Father for the moments where you were not chosen--I know it brought pain and a deep sadness. I know it made you question yourself in different ways. And I pray that as we go through these 28 days, you go through some inner healing to receive freedom from those times where you were discarded.

But Jesus. He chose you. 

You were not chosen because you came; you came because you were chosen. That’s what Jesus said in John 17:6. If you are reading this email and have been receptive to Jesus, that is an indicator that HE CHOSE YOU. You come to him not because you were tagged in a post, not because you saw this challenge on social media but because God is calling you into His heart and you felt the tug to go deeper. He wants all of you.


Jesus said, “You did not choose me, but I chose you” John 15:16

Let's pray :) (Leading these as if I speaking for you. I hope they resonate)

Jesus, there have been many times where I felt as though I wasn't chosen and it's especially painful when I think of the times I saw a future with those that didn't choose me back. I wanted someone who didn't want me and I know you can relate as there are many times where you have wanted me and I did not choose you. I am sorry for the times I did not choose you but thank you for showing me even in this moment that you understand me and you remain faithful to me in spite of me.

There have been sooo many times where I felt as though I was only chosen by others based off what I could do for them, Lord. It was like they only loved me because I provided for them, or at times it felt as though they only loved me because of a 'hidden contract' vs a true sense of unconditional love. Thank you that you don't love me based on stipulations or conditions but that you've seen EVERY part of me and nothing has changed your mind about me. What kind of love is this? It's so pure and I want to truly be immersed in this purity of love. Make me a vessel of love so others can feel your love off me.

I know you delight in hearing my heart Lord, so thank you that I can bring these moments to you...not to dwell on the past but because you want to free my heart from any moment where I stored up the pain of not being chosen. I open up my heart to you through these prayers and I recall the times where I really struggled with comparison. I felt so inadequate God. I began to overanalyze myself and so many judgmental thoughts crept in. I need you to show me the power of how others can be chosen over me and it doesn't mean I am inadequate in comparison to them. Show me your heart through all of these things I bring to you.

Thank you that you have chosen me and you will never change your mind about me. Let me live from this truth. Make this truth my reality. In Jesus name. 


rooted in His love