rooted in His love
Your identity is very valuable and it's often the one area that will be under attack consistently.
Misplaced identities do not always dress themselves as self-esteem issues, but it can also be disguised in success. Many women have found their worthiness in the man they are married to, the money in their bank accounts, or the titles they have within their careers.
However, you are not defined by what you DO. You are defined by who you are and whose you are and my prayer is that this is not just head knowledge, but heart knowledge, too.
Let's pray,
Jesus, give me revelation on who I am--I know I am your daughter, but show me how you truly know every intimate part of me. On this day, let me see myself as you see me, and help me come into agreement with what you say and not what the world says. I am sorry for any time that I believed lies concerning my identity. I know that a whole revolution began at the revelation of Jesus being a SON of God so help me the powerful revelation of what it means to be a DAUGHTER of God.
Shame has kept me in shackles for too long and I no longer want to live bound by the chains of my shame. Expose every area in my heart that has been subconsciously keeping me attached to shame.
Anxiety has been my master at times and it's made me feel as though I don't recognize myself. Your word says that you do not give a spirit of fear but you give a sound mind so I command this spirit of fear to be severed from my soul. Let me truly live in the freedom you have for me.
I will not be double-minded concerning my identity; where somedays I love myself and other days I struggle with a deep self-rejection. Deliver me from self-rejection Lord. There have been times where I have felt easily offended and I just ask that you would heal my soul so I am not easily moved by what others say or think of me.
Trauma has been my truth teller for much of my life--it's convinced me that I am the way I am because of what I've been through but I know that you have REDEEMED me and you give me the power through the blood of Jesus to be made NEW. Show me what this means Lord.
My past issues have been what I've attached to my identity and sometimes I am convinced that those issues define me. It's normally on the days where I feel overstimulated and depleted that I feel defined by these weak areas but I just ask that you would help me become more dependent upon you. I come out of agreement with believing that these issues are apart of my identity.
Jesus, sometimes through my journey my friend groups have shifted and changed and losing valuable friendships has really dug at me--even the times where I feel as though my family does not see me clearly has also affected how I view myself. If there is any area of rejection lingering within my soul from the loss of these friendships or not being seen clearly by my family, reintegrate my soul so it is whole with no fragments Lord.
Every spirit of rejection that has oppressed me has to leave in Jesus name. I come out of agreement with believing I am rejectable. Expose every word curse that has circulated in my mind and has made me feel as though I am not good enough due to those who have spewed hurtful things at me. Break every tendency that has made me feel as though I need to prove myself.
Let my security come from my identity in you and not in what this world has to give me. My bank account does not make me more worthy or less worthy. My marital status does not make me more worthy or less worthy. Being a mother is a branch of me but it is not all of me. Strip me of anything that I have made apart of my identity that has been a cloak and caused me to not be authentic in who you have truly made me to be.
I do not want to operate as though I am a spiritual orphan, but I want to live from this state of 'sonship' which I know is not gender oriented but it is my spiritual position in receiving you as my Abba.
Restore my identity, God. Let me come into the full revelation of who you have called me to be and let me be immersed by your love over the next few weeks--where I truly have a sense of awe & wonder concerning how much you truly do know me. I want to live from this revelation.
I come out of agreement with every lie I have believed; the ones that have whispered something is wrong with the core of who I am. I know there is power in my agreement and when I come out of agreement, I am breaking any stronghold within my belief system. I will not live with a fragile identity. Remove the distorted lens I've occasionally viewed myself in and let me truly accept who I am and how you see me. In Jesus name, amen.
If there was something that stuck out to you through these points more than other points, pause and dwell on it; consult God on any area that could be probing your heart.
Journal Prompts:
Do you believe you are unconditionally loved by God?
Write out any lies you've believed concerning who you are
Identify any doubts or challenges you face regarding your identity in Christ.